Friday, May 29, 2009

Ice Cream

My family has always had an ice cream fetish. Growing up, I ate ice cream nearly every day, and sometimes twice a day! It's amazing I never developed weight problems given the amount of sugary goodness I consumed. My senior year I came down with the dreaded mononucleosis, and practically lived on milkshakes for nearly a month- losing enough weight that by the time prom rolled around the strapless dress (my first, I might add) I had purchased pre-mono was too loose! No wonder I have some attachment to ice cream...

Since going vegan a year and a half ago my obsession with ice cream has diminished somewhat, for which I am glad. Addictions in any form are not particularly helpful to healthy and liberated lifestyles. But with the weather warming up, I still enjoy a nice bowl of creamy sweetness. I've never been a fan of neopolitan (don't like the strawberry flavored part), but I am a sucker for colors! Enjoy the recipe and give yourself a treat.

  • 1 cup cashews, soaked and sprouted
  • meat of 2 young coconuts
  • dates for sweetness, whatever kind is presently cheapest
  • 1/4 vanilla bean
  • 2 cups water
Blend everything till smooth. Pour out 2/3 of the mix into a bowl.
  • carob powder and cocoa powder to taste
Blend again. Pour into another bowl or jar and put in the freezer.
Pour 1/2 of leftover vanilla batter to blender.
  • strawberries! mmm-hmmm.
Put strawberry ice cream into a separate bowl and put all three bowls in the freezer to harden up a bit. You'll want to stir whenever you remember so that they don't turn into creamsicles. When the ice cream has thickened enough you can put all three into one container like I did so they look all pretty. Since I've never bought neopolitan, I have no idea what order the chocolate, vanilla and strawberry are supposed to go. I hope I did it right!

I made a chocolate sauce to go on top by blending a banana with some carob and cocoa powders. It added a very nice touch.

And here is Rob enjoying his ice cream sundae! Yum-meeeee!

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